We’ve added support for Voluum

Voluum is a well-known affiliate marketing tracking tool. But with Voluum, you can track other campaigns as well. With Voluum tracking you can:

  • See how your advertising campaigns are performing.
  • Analyze the data from these campaigns.
  • Upscale your affiliate business.
  • Optimize and make your ads more effective.

Voluum provides reports on metrics such as traffic sources, affiliate networks, conversions etc.

You can authenticate Tercept with voluum by generating the access key for Tercept. You can generate and revoke the access key in the Security settings of your Voluum account. The access key is always associated with the account that it is generated for. You can have more than one access key. It is also recommended revoking and regenerating your access keys every month to minimize the account’s exposure.

Read more on how to generate access key here:

Vinay B Rao
Lead Analyst, Tercept

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